Whether you work for a small company or a large multinational corporation, your job is more or less a job that is measured by the quality and quantity of work you receive.
What these two metrics have in common is concentration. The more focused and focused you are, the more you can accomplish and get more work done. A person who can concentrate on his work, achieve and do well, applied to the group.
The only problem with concentration is the inability to stay focused for long periods of time. Inevitably, our minds wander and we waste time procrastinating. As a result, it can lead to a lot of stress. That’s why I often find myself looking for screen gaps or looking for non-work methods. And it’s precious time that we can’t use and waste just to relax.
If we wanted to produce as much as Keynes’ compatriots in the 1930s, not everyone would need to work even 15 hours a week. If you adapt to increased work productivity, it could be 7 or 8 hours, 10 in Japan. These increases in productivity come from a century of automation and technological advances: they allow us to produce more products with less work. In this sense, modern developed countries have far exceeded Keynes’ prediction. We only have to work in half hours, he predicted , to match his lifestyle.
Part of the answer is the inflation of lifestyle: people have an insatiable appetite for more. Solving “the economic problem, the struggle for survival”, but few people would choose to be sufficient in mere survival. People live in a hedonistic routine: we always want more. The rich westerners can undoubtedly work 15 hours a week if we give up modern life traps: new clothes and netflix and holidays abroad. This may seem trivial when talking about consumer goods, but our lives are better in many other important dimensions. The same logic applicable to Netflix also applies to vaccines, refrigerators, renewable energy and economic toothbrushes. At the global level, people enjoy a standard of living far higher than in the past (and nowhere is this more true than Western countries). We would not be satisfied with a good life according to our grandparents’ standards.
Parkinson’s law and time management
There is a way to better take advantage of our days and it has a name: time management. While it is good to organize and design our day beforehand, we again leave ourselves open to passes and other external parameters that have a harmful effect on our productivity.
We need to be strict with our time so that we can manage it effectively. Everyone wants to generate paystubs. Which may mean that we may need to approach our 8 -hour (or more) work quite differently from the usual and traditional way.
There is a principle that has been established to call Parkinson’s Law, which stipulates that the work we are always dealing with is expanding to cover the time we have available to complete it. In practice, this means that if you have three hours to complete a job, it will take us so much and no less.
Such is our tendency to complain, that Parkinson’s law explains that simply by setting stricter deadlines, we can achieve the same result in less time. This is how we do not give ourselves the opportunity to raise rhythm and our productivity is growing.
Οvercome procrastination
Unfortunately, it’s not easy to cut your time and you want to complete your job within the new time limit. First, you need to identify what causes you to lose focus, how long it takes to lose focus, and what you can do to prevent it. Try to identify your procrastinator (I wrote more about it here). Then you can take action and limit them. For social media, for example, shut it down. If you’re a sensual fellow, put on your headphones. Tell yourself not to allow time during work hours. This becomes a lot easier when you learn to divide your day into.
Split your day
The majority of us can work 8 hours a day, but it is not realistic among us to expect that one can concentrate for so many hours, without losing any focus. By dividing your day into distinct sections, you can be paved for as long as you need, and use the time you have set for breaks to rest.
Take a full 8 -hour for example. If you divide a day into three distinct sections of the two hours of dedicated work, you will find that your concentration is increasing. And between these periods you can make 30 -minute breaks in order to reload your brain for the next two -hour concentration.
Only when you learn how to “empty” your mind on these breaks will you be able to really concentrate. So it’s good to find ways to learn effective ways to relax in your breaks.
Distinguishing your day in distinct sections may seem a little foreign to you at the beginning, but you will soon find the positive impact it will have on your work and your productivity. It will not take long until you start to produce a job of greater quantity and quality. Something that will satisfy you and you will be motivated to continue.
In developed countries, at least, we have technology and tools so that everyone works less and continues to have extremely prosperous lives, as long as we structure our work and society towards this goal. The only thing our bosses should do is corporate finance in order to achieve better goals. Today’s discussions about the future of work quickly end up in fantastic predictions of full automation. Most likely, there will be new and varied jobs to cover a five -day job. And so today’s discussions have to go beyond the old point about the miracles of technology and really ask: What do they all use? Without an idea of a good life, without a way to distinguish progress that is important from the one that keeps us in the hedonistic routine.
With this sense of energy and intense concentration, procrastination and time will no longer be negative of your day. You will do a better job while you will work less.
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