What is a Client Benefit of partnering with Accenture’s intelligent Platform Services (IPS)?

Virtually every industry could stand to take advantage of the opportunities presented by emerging technology. Platforms that centralise the core functions of a contemporary organisation and enable it to take advantage of emerging business models are becoming more and more necessary to fully realise this promise. The challenge now for organisations is how rapidly they can use these platforms to unlock value. Accenture has long seen the potential of platform technologies, which is why the company has been expanding its internal capacities and the range of its platform partnerships. Here you will find out what is a client benefit of partnering with accenture’s intelligent platform services (ips)?

Intelligent Services overview

With the help of Intelligent Services, marketing analysts and practitioners may tap into the potential of AI and ML to improve the quality of their clients’ experiences. In this way, business analysts in marketing departments may make projections tailored to their company’s needs with little to no help from data scientists. In addition to Adobe Experience Cloud, Adobe Experience Platform, and third-party applications, marketing professionals may turn on predictions there as well.

The purpose of this video is to help you better grasp Intelligent Services. This video introduces Attribution AI and Customer AI and describes their capabilities through the lens of several sample business use cases.

The three primary uses of a platform are:


Any business intelligence tool’s primary function is data collection. They will compile the information from various sources. After that, it will conduct an analysis based on the requirements of your end users. Accenture’s intelligent platform services (ips) already have this feature built in. No programmer’s services are required to provide this information.

Transmission of Data: 

The Business Intelligence Platform may double as a help desk for your company’s clients. It will facilitate the dissemination of information to your audience. This software will first do an analysis on the raw data. The information will then be sent to end users in a variety of ways. Accenture’s intelligent platform services (ips) platform’s primary value lies in its ease of use. The information you choose to examine is entirely up to you.

Simple Incorporation: 

Businesses are enhancing productivity by merging several technological trends. The UI of Accenture’s intelligent platform services (ips) systems and tools is intuitive. These features may be quickly added to your current setup. There is no need to educate workers on the use of new equipment. With the help of these hubs, you may collect and analyse data for use in future strategic planning.

Your company units’ senior executives and managers will benefit greatly from these tools. There will be solid evidence supporting these claims. As a result, you’ll be able to quickly identify promising business openings. It will also aid in the detection of ineffectual procedures. These procedures can be replaced to boost productivity in the workplace.

Intelligent Service Advantages

Built on the Adobe Experience Platform, Intelligent Services provides access to AI-as-a-service for customer experience marketers, making it simple for anybody to forecast client behaviour, gauge the efficacy of a campaign, or guarantee a higher return on investment. Here you will figure out what is a client benefit of partnering with accenture’s intelligent platform services (ips)?.

Facilitate timely and precise analysis, planning, and reporting.

You can get up-to-the-minute data from a Accenture’s intelligent platform services (ips) platform. The data you provide can be linked to other datasets using these instruments. This will ensure that you receive a reliable report. Your company’s wares can be assessed with these instruments. They will also provide you advice on how to implement strategies that will help your company expand more rapidly. This will also aid you in lessening the dangers that might arise.

Data on customers, finances, manufacturing, and products are all easily accessible to upper management. Therefore, this data can help your company’s management make more informed judgements.

Excavating Data

Accenture’s intelligent platform services (ips) work well for this type of data mining. Finding patterns in corporate data using data mining is a complicated process. You may use it to spot emerging tendencies. Collecting, storing, analysing, organising, and presenting data are the five main phases of data mining. If your company is employing a robust solution, it can handle all of these processes automatically. Better outcomes may be achieved by integrating tools with a data warehousing platform.

The data that Accenture’s intelligent platform services (ips) systems are capable of processing is staggering. Data warehousing and internal data centres are only two examples of additional technologies that it can work with. Your data will be readily available to you in this format.

Boosts Productivity

Data collection is a time-consuming process that costs many businesses valuable resources. Even after collecting this data, businesses still need to process it so it can be used. They must also compile all the data and write a report. After that, they should talk on the reliability of the information acquired. Using the platform will result in automatic data collection and processing. Time and effort are both greatly reduced. Therefore, business intelligence tools will assist you in increasing productivity.

Strategic Advantage

Forbes found that over 53 percent of businesses are currently making use of systems. The Accenture’s intelligent platform services (ips) platform is being used by more and more businesses to improve their decision-making processes. You’ll have a leg up on the competition thanks to these resources. In the commercial world, speed and accuracy are equally crucial.

The Accenture’s intelligent platform services (ips) system also includes tools for keeping an eye out for fraudulent activity and managing risks. Patterns and data behaviour may be tracked and monitored with these instruments. That way, they can tell if the purchase is legitimate or not. Data mining allows you to analyse and forecast potential dangers. You may use these technologies to better safeguard your company.

Process Flow for Intelligent Services

The Adobe Experience Platform’s Experience Data Model (XDM) is used to consume and reformat customer information. 


The business rules and related data are configured by the marketing analyst to provide the necessary forecasts.


The results of the models’ training and scoring are then re-entered into Platform.

Take action

Finally, you get to choose what to do with the predictions, such as ingesting insights, launching applications from across Adobe Experience Cloud, or developing bespoke dashboards.

Next steps

Attribution AI and Customer AI are two of the current offerings from Intelligent Services. Intelligently driving marketing effectiveness across channels and campaigns is now possible thanks to attribution AI. Marketers may use consumer AI to create highly customised interactions with their clientele. 


Using Accenture Ips has a wide variety of additional advantages. To this day, Accenture Ips remains a developing market. It’s a useful tool for handling business data. As a result, you’ll be able to make quick, educated, and effective business judgements. Accenture Ips is a useful tool for data gathering and analysis. It will take the element of surprise out of running your business. As a result, your company’s productivity will rise on its own accord. You’ll have an advantage over the competition as a result. 

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