The Ultimate Guide to Phygital Experience: What It Is and How It Can Boost Your Business

In today’s modern world, technology is everywhere, and it also has changed the way we used to live lives. With the use of smartphones, the internet, and also other technological improvements, we now have become more interconnected than ever before.

Consequently, the fine lines between the two worlds physical & digital have become highly blurred, providing rise to a unique concept better known as “phygital experience”. So, in this article below, we are going to learn everything about phygital experience and will also discuss how phygital experience can boost your business.

What’s The Phygital Experience?

Phygital experience combines offline and online environments by simply taking the best elements from each area to build a more satisfying and complete customer experience. This phygital wonder differentiates itself from many other marketing tricks with its unique multichannel guide where the customer’s buying process is familiar and fluid.

The users not only browse and buy a product, but they even feel; thus, despite the truth we can get honestly anything we want using our phone, 2 out of 10 customers still prefer to complete their buying task in a brick-&-mortar store.

However, also the opposite often occurs: there are many times when we enter a physical store to touch, see, or try a product that we order online later. Personal interactions persist to be a highly-valued and critical element for consumers, meaning that the emotional and physical components of buying should consistently be there.

Phygital experience generally takes the best features from the online retail experience like immersion, immediacy, and speed as well as the possibility to interact with individuals, the item, and many more that one gets from a brick-&-mortar store experience. It is the best practice to satisfy a hyper-connected, demanding consumer as well as meet their requirements through multiple outlets.

The statistics that best suit the statement for the perfect consumers of these phygital experiences are Generation Z and Millennials, forcing businesses to prepare 360° Marketing tactics that straddle both online retail and brick-and-mortar store ideas that work in the phygital world perfectly.

The Features Of The Digital Experience

Designed as an understanding of the future that’s already present here, and noticing its huge possibility, further businesses are creating all types of applications and elements to get the maximum out of this Phygital experience. A few of the most notable elements of the phygital experience are as follows:

Beacons & QR Codes:

Well, beacons are mainly Bluetooth devices. these devices are simply installed in shops and send details to mobiles. Correspondingly, QR codes are 2D barcodes that generally store details encoded as links that access a website or download an application. In both cases, the purpose is to simply complete the customer’s buying approach with information.

Virtual Reality: 

It is a unique technology. It has further applications and has become a perfect means for this kind of experience, via the innovation of virtual domains that imitate physical structures like supermarkets or clothing stores.


When it comes to creating new opportunities for customers, the worldwide availability of digital screens provides a wide range of options, such as creating virtual changing rooms for apparel or touch screens wherein you can place food orders.

Go Supermarkets: 

A brand-new business model is being developed, and corporations such as Amazon are opting for it. It involves purchasing the goods you desire by simply scanning them as well as paying with your phone instead of going through a register to make a payment.

How to Build a Phygital Experience?

Just like all factors of consumer experience, building a powerful phygital experience begins by knowing your consumers, what matters to your customers, and also how your customers like to interact with and shop brands.

Businesses have a remarkable chance to enhance client service using phygital experiences, for example, easily moving a client from a chat box to a human contact agent in case they have a difficult issue or utilizing human agents to supply digital solutions.

A powerful phygital experience needs to take the best features of the digital plan and unite them with the most useful elements of the physical system. For example, the Cosmetics brand named Lush made the app named “Lush Lens” to provide more details to in-store consumers.

Customers simply check an item in the store and see videos on how the product was made, how to use the product, and also the ingredients used to make it. The process saves on in-store signage and packaging and assigns clients with more details about the items they’re purchasing.

Among the most familiar reasons clients want to purchase in stores is to find new products and touch and see items. But they even want the comfort of being capable of finding things faster. Thus, Walmart simply taps into both worlds by simply making a consumer’s smartphone a crucial part of its in-store buying experience.

Consumers can scan products to get costs, see what is in stock, as well as get recommendations for the precise product in-store while even comparing costs, reading online reviews, as well as exploring other parts of the store. Thus, success for both digital and physical creates a healthy phygital experience.

Every single thing normally comes down to a preference: Consumers want the capability to select in-person or online shopping from a particular brand at any time. A high-quality phygital experience knows customers’ requirements better and thus, provides amazing digital tools as well as in-person experiences that can seamlessly move between various channels.

So, it is clear that the future of business is phygital, and it is up to businesses to blur the line as well as provide great experiences to customers by adopting the phygital experience.

How To Make The Phygital Users Experience A Better Reality?

Phygital experience focuses on creating the “three I’s” a fact: immersion, immediacy, and also interaction. Here is what each of them means:


Here, the users are a vital component of the experience.


Here, it works to guarantee things occur at a precise moment in time


Finally, here, the generation of contact is required to trigger the more emotional and physical part of the buying procedure.

To execute a truly genuine phygital experience, there should be advanced technology that can facilitate the intro of immersion or immediacy. Alternatively, the interactions that the digital empire lacks by character get introduced to the customers using the phygital experience.

These 3 conditions used in the phygital experience make the customer feel much more interconnected to the brand, reinforce empathy, generate trust, and also enhance the user experience and take their experience to another level.


This new kind of experience simply stands out in the current interconnected world because it combines the best aspects of the two worlds: the speed of search and payment, the immersion in the search thanks to new interaction processes, and the ability to interact with both people and the product in the physical world. So, the phygital experience is truly the future of online businesses!

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