What is an Example of new Technology having a Negative Impact on Sustainability?

It’s hard to imagine modern life without technological conveniences. Technology has been ingrained in every aspect of our lives, from communication to transportation. It’s like a double-edged sword: it may be useful and it could be terrifying. Some of them are beneficial to the economy and the environment while others bring about revolutionary changes in many industries and spur economic growth.

The quest of sustainability requires an appreciation of the interdependence between technology and the natural world. This blog will explore some technologies about what is an example of new technology having a negative impact on sustainability?.

The Harmful Effects of Technology on Ecosystems

Our daily reliance on portable electronic gadgets may be the first thing that comes to mind when we consider technological advancements. Many would argue that the widespread availability of portable electronic devices like smartphones, tablets, and laptops has improved our quality of life in many ways. However, it cannot be denied that the environment has suffered as a result of these commonplace technology.

Concerns about resource consumption, energy use, carbon impact, and waste are raised by these and other modern technological gadgets. It’s not hard to understand why our modern wonders are also a huge environmental threat when we consider their whole life cycles.


The pollution it causes is perhaps the biggest drawback technology has on the environment. While the actual usage of your laptop or smartphone may not produce any emissions, the production of the electricity to power them does. Because of our reliance on fossil fuels, the more power we consume, the more pollution we produce.

Data centres are essential to the operation of the Internet and mobile data services. These enormous data centres demand similarly enormous amounts of power to run. What is it? Just one hour of daily phone use results in an annual CO2 output of 1.4 tonnes.

Manufacturing and transporting technological goods also contribute to environmental degradation. Electricity and fuel are essential for factories. More pollution is being produced by factories and shipping terminals to supply the growing demand for consumer electronics throughout the world. Technology and pollution are two sides of the same coin.

Resource Deficiency

The production of our devices is resource intensive and, in turn, potentially destructive to the natural world. The materials used in technology have to originate from someplace, therefore excessive consumption might lead to the depletion of global supplies. Destroying natural habitats is one of technology’s most devastating effects on the environment.

A manufacturing still need land even if it only employs sustainable, renewable resources. Deforestation is a common method of clearing land for construction. When this much land is cleared, the animals in the region lose their habitats, which puts them in risk.

The minerals used in several modern conveniences need the mining industry. The area’s natural equilibrium may be disturbed if too many of these are removed. Even if it isn’t a problem, mining is often a rather polluting operation. The manufacturing process itself is a prime illustration of the destructive potential of technology.

Dangerous Garbage

Waste management is another area where technology has unfavourable effects on the environment. Because of how often new electronic devices are released, consumers often get rid of their older models to make room for the newest ones. That’s great if they correctly recycle them, but in practise, that seldom happens.

You might not be aware of the correct procedure for recycling outdated gadgets. Just toss them in the trash and forget about them. However, if dangerous metals from the electronics seep into the environment, it might cause harm.

A Way Forward

There is some good news about technology and ecology, at least. Although technology has had some bad effects on the natural world, it may also offer a solution. The renewable energy sector is one of the most encouraging instances of this.

Thanks to technological developments, renewable energy sources are now competitively priced with fossil fuels in many applications. The development of this technology promises to reduce costs over time. This financial boost might help renewables catch up to fossil fuels and eventually surpass them, reducing the environmental impact of energy usage.

Energy efficiency has become a major focus of many cutting-edge technology. More and more IT firms will adopt greener efforts like these as the public becomes more aware of environmental issues. 

Keeping the Environment and Technology in Check

The first step in reducing your ecological footprint is realising the damage that technology is causing. If used properly, technology has the potential to be a significant factor in achieving sustainability goals. By being aware of the hazards that technology poses to the environment, we may work towards a more sustainable future.

You may be surprised by how closely technology and ecology are linked. However, if you grasp these relationships, you may contribute to the cause of sustainability.


Even while technology can’t solve every environmental problem, it can almost always help improve things if it’s used in the right ways. The environmental crisis is a direct result of improper technological use. The technology itself does not cause climate change, global warming, or pollution; rather, it is the technology’s misuse that causes these problems. It is determined that the environment suffers from the illegal and unrestrained use of technology, but that this same technology, if used properly, has the capacity to repair the environment. Therefore, the use of technology decides whether or not there is a good influence, and the goal should be to place technology in a way that restores the health of the world around us.

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