Which inference can a reader make based on the information in the excerpt?

(A) Mr. H. knew the printer would help them upon release from prison.

(B) Mr. H. was very concerned for the falsely imprisoned printer.

(C) Mr. H. and the printer had known each other for a long time.

(D) Mr. H. originally had not intended to employ the printer’s help.

Answer – Mr. H. knew the printer would help them upon release from prison.

Option (A) is the correct choice for the question “Which inference can a reader make based on the information in the excerpt?” This excerpt is from Dark Game and the whole paragraph is as follows:

Mr. H. quickly began talking to his contacts in the city. Soon he heard of a British printer in Mexico City who had been falsely arrested for printing counterfeit money. Mr. H. intervened with the British minister, who got the frightened printer released from custody and the charges against him dropped. The printer, overjoyed to be free, told Mr. H. that he would welcome the opportunity to repay the agent for his intervention. As a matter of fact, Mr. H. told him, there was a favor the printer could do for him.

After thoroughly going through the whole paragraph you will find that Mr. H. helped in order to obtain the printer’s freedom and get the charges removed. Following the printer’s release, he said he wanted to thank Mr. H. for his help. Mr. H. reacted by suggesting that the printer could do him a favor. This discussion clearly shows that Mr. H. expected the printer to assist him in return. This is the reason why option (A) is the correct answer.

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